I was about 50+lbs heavier {seriously}!
A year ago today, I was getting ready to meet you! I was filled with excitement and anticipation, for I knew you would be the last.
A year ago today, we arrived at Baylor Frisco and I was terrified they would send me home again for the 3rd false alarm.
A year ago today, whoever said the more pregnancies you had the easier it gets. Sorry sister but you were the hardest to get out, from the nurses blowing two of my veins for an IV (which has NEVER happened to me) to Dr. Payne not being able to break my water, because something was in the way...your little baby head. You had little scratches all over the top of your head from that drama. :(
A year ago today, your brother and sister had NO clue what was about to happen. Colton had no issues. Isabella however called you DOG for the first few weeks.
A year ago today, at exactly 11:41pm, you took your first breath.
A year ago today, you took our breath away!
Happy FIRST Birthday my sweet sweet angel we love you so very much!!